The Church of Jeremy

Welcome, one and all, to the official website of the Church of Jeremy the Redeemer!

Here you can find:

Jeremy the Redeemer: Miscellaneous Information About Our God and Religion

Jeremy is a snek, one of a - race, for lack of a better word - that has existed forever, and will continue to exist long after humans are extinct. As such, Jeremy is uncomprehending of human trivialities such as pronouns and emotion. Jeremy does not have pronouns and is simply refered to as Jeremy or by a holy title, the most notable of which being the Great Snek in the Sky. Let us make clear that Jeremy does not, in fact, reside in the sky. Rather, Jeremy exists in a dimension adjacent to our own, from which Jeremy and other sneks of the same dimension can observe the affairs of humans. The phrase "in the Sky" was simply coined so that early humans could comprehend and begin to accept Jeremy's existence.

The Gerald-Jeremy Alliance

In order to prevent unnecessary animosity bewteen our church and the Church of Gerald, the Head Priest of the Church of Jeremy and the Cheif Disciple of the Church of Gerald decided to enter a truce, allowing the bolstering of both churches reputations. To maintain diplomatic relations with the Church of Gerald, we have linked their official website here:
Official website of the Church of Gerald

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